Will NorthernLion eat a sandwich containing at least 250 calories on a livestream before February 2022?
Feb 2
Should a sandwich appear I will use my best judgment to estimate the number of calories. He doesn’t have to eat the whole thing on stream so long as he eats part of it on stream and we have good reason to believe he went on to finish it. #gaming #twitch
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Where did all the NL watcher come from??
As long time NorthernLion fan I implore him to take a principled stance and reject sandwich supremacy. He should eat one February 2nd.
I BELIEVE 🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪 Okay verified emojis work
My boi loves his sammies
Hmm! Do we already have algorithmic trading bots?
Putting some money in the no column just to make it interesting and so the pool has funds
Sounds like a single sandwich bite would count as a YES -- that's good enough for me! (Wondering what the base rate for streamer-sandwich-consumption-per-month is...)